Fitness Boxing & Kickboxing
One of the best - and most fun ways to burn calories, train your core, bottom, legs and increase your metabolism is “Thai Pad Training”.
Frits has 30 years of experience in the field of Kickboxing and Boxing, which assures you an effective workout. It doesn’t matter whether you are 12 or 75 years, this type of training is effective for all ages. It strengthens joints and tendons (low impact) and is non aggressive.
1. Fitness Boxing improves overall cardio, stamina, muscle endurance, stability and lowers blood pressure. There is no risk of taking punches. The training is adapted to the fitness level and preferences of the individual.
2. Fitness Kickboxing, like Fitness Boxing, it is fun, interval based workout where you burn a ton of calories. There is no sparring or other ways of taking punches and kicks. You train with your instructor on Thai Pads and Mits - you will learn really how to punch and kick and burn over 400 calories during each session.
What to expect?: 1-2 and 3-minute rounds of interval pad & cushion exercises. HIIT - and Core Strengthening exercises